Official selection of the Australian team competing in the 2018 CP World Games

Disability Sports Australia is proud to announce the Australian Team selected to compete at the 2018 CPISRA CP World Games in Sant Cugat, Barcelona, Spain in August 2018.

Name Sport
Tahlia Blanshard Swimming
Summer Giddings Athletics
Mali Lovell Athletics and Female CP Football
Nick Riches Athletics
Holly Saunders Athletics and Female CP Football
Rachel Staines Swimming

The team will travel to Sant Cugat with a Team Manager and up to five carers and coaching and support staff. This amazing group of young athletes, along with the travelling team and support staff will form the largest ever Australian team to travel to the CP World Games!

Disability Sports Australia is also excited to announce Peter King, Manager, Sport Development at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA), as the Australian Team Manager for the event. Peter brings extensive experience in CP sport and team management to the team and is enthusiastic about the opportunity to be helping to bring the Australian team to Spain in August: “To be involved in the development of young athletes is a key part of my role within the CPA Sports program. From a personal view point it has been so rewarding to see how sport can change people’s lives and teach them so many skills for their future careers, personal relationships and their participation in the community. I am delighted and proud to be offered this role, and feel I bring a lot of experience that will support both the participation and performance of the athletes.”.

Team Manager - Peter King

Jenni Cole, CEO of Disability Sports Australia believes the Games will not only be a great opportunity for the athletes to compete internationally, but also aid in development of CP sport within Australia. “The 2018 CP World Games is an incredible opportunity for athletes to represent their country on an international stage. Sport has the power to change lives, not only physically with the numerous health benefits, but also aids in social development and integration. Disability Sports Australia is delighted to be sending the largest Australian delegation to a CP World Games and is excited to be working with CPA and Peter King to help prepare the Australian team to compete to their best ability in Spain in August.”.

Information about further team appointment opportunities, including Team Physiotherapist and Team Athletics Coach will be sent out soon. If you are interested in either of these roles, please contact Peter King at

Disability Sports Australia is proud to be working with Cerebral Palsy Alliance and Peter King to be sending the team to Spain. While both DSA and CPA will be providing financial and logistical support to this team, the athletes are largely self-funded, so we encourage any companies or individuals who may want to be part of helping these athletes achieve their dreams, please contact wither Peter King of Jenni Cole, CEO of DSA on

Congratulations to all six selected athletes! We are right behind you and looking forward to helping you reach your best at this event! Australia will be cheering you on!

If you have any enquiries about the 2018 CP World Games and the Australian team, please contact Peter King at


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