Donating to

Disability Sports Australia

Donate Directly

You can now donate directly via the Australian Sports Foundation.

Click here to donate directly to DSA or to our targeted campaigns!

At Disability Sports Australia, we are dedicated to ensuring that the funds we raise through our philanthropy and fundraising initiatives are utilised in the most effective manner.

This enables us to deliver impactful programs for people with disabilities and build the capability of our organisation, as well as other organisations.

Our goal is to ensure that individuals with disability can participate in sport in the way they choose.

We recognise that all non-profit organisations require proper resources to fulfil their purpose and that for our organisation expenditure to administer our programs is absolutely vital to ensuring our ongoing sustainability and successs.

We recognise that our own fundraising activities require strategic investment and with your generosity we can better enhance our own capability to increase our impact and more effectively measure the societal change our organisation is funding.

At present, we rely on government funding and the support of our corporate partners, alongside fee-for-service revenue, for the work we do in providing support to the sport sector to be inclusive of people with disabilities.

Our programs for participants are kept free, as we firmly believe that every person has the right to access sport and recreation in a way that is meaningful to them.

Additionally, we provide foundational education resources for free to ensure that more people have access to inclusive, welcoming, and accessible environments.

Our focus is on ensuring there is clarity about the important role that sport plays in changing lives for people with disabilities and reducing duplication in the disability sport sector. We have a particular emphasis on improving access to grassroots sports.

Your donation will support us to expand and innovate our programs and initiatives that provide opportunities and pathways for people with disability to participate and enjoy sport and active recreation.

Your generosity will also allow us to advocate for systemic change and influence policy and practice to create a more accessible and inclusive sporting landscape for all.

Thank you for considering us for this support.

  • Sport and recreation have many benefits for people with disability, such as improving physical and mental health, enhancing social inclusion and belonging, developing confidence and self-esteem, and fostering personal growth and achievement.

    However, people with disability face many barriers to access and participate in sport and recreation, such as lack of awareness, negative attitudes, physical inaccessibility, financial costs, or limited opportunities. As a result, people with disability are less likely to be physically active than people without disability.

    Thank you for your support!

  • You can help us achieve our vision and mission by making a donation today. Your donation will support our programs and initiatives that provide opportunities and pathways for people with disability to participate and enjoy sport and active recreation.

    You can choose to make a one-off or monthly donation, or donate to a specific program or project that you are passionate about

    Donations can be set-up through our website or by contacting our team via email at

  • Yes, regular monthly donations assist Disability Sports Australia to provide a platform for the 20% of Australians with a disability to shine through sports and community programs.

    Donations can be set-up through our website or by contacting our team via email:

  • Yes. Disability Sports Australia is an ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission) Registered Charity and complies with all ACNC regulations. To find out more, please visit the ACNC website.

  • Yes, donations over $2 are tax deductible for Australian residents. If you make a one-off donation via our website, a receipt will be emailed to you immediately.

    If you generously sign up to donate monthly, your receipt will be sent at the end of the financial year.

    Spread the word!

    Share this page with your family and friends on social media – and ask them to join you in helping people with disability be active.


Make a Donation


Please invest in Disability Sports Australia’s work to help Australians with disability to be more active, more often. As DSA is a Registered Charity and a Deductible Gift Recipient, all donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. An official receipt will be provided for your donation.

Thank you for investing in Disability Sports Australia. Your generous contribution will make a difference in changing the lives for Australians with a disability through sport and active recreation.