At inception the Board of DSA comprised a representative from each of its three member organisations, as well as two independent directors, who were not aligned with the disability sport sector and had no allegiance to any member organisation.
In its first year the Board invested time to develop a comprehensive Charter that addresses the role of the Board, its Directors, Chair, Company Secretary and Executive Officer, Director selection and appointment, Director code of conduct, conflict of interest and related party transactions, the conduct of meetings, delegation of authority and risk management and compliance practices.
The Board also adopted an annual Board Performance Evaluation to monitor its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
These annual evaluations apply to the Chair, individual Directors and the Executive Officer.
Documents and Board Policies
Anti-Doping Policy
Disability Sport Australia’s anti-doping policy is the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, effective from 1 January 2021, and found here on the Sport Integrity Australia website. All members, participants and non-participants in sports and events conducted by Disability Sports Australia are bound by these rules.