Electric Wheelchair Hockey
Electric wheelchair hockey is a modified version of ice hockey for electric wheelchair users. It is commonly known as “Powerhockey”. The sport is played on an indoor basketball court rather than an ice rink. There are two teams of five players.
The game is gaining international recognition and a growing network of athletes and fans. The Australian Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association is using this traction to push for electric wheelchair hockey to become a Paralympic Sport.
How to PLAY Electric Wheelchair Hockey
Electric wheelchair hockey follows traditional ice hockey rules. However, it is modified to enable play by wheelchair athletes. It is played on a wooden surface instead of ice. A plastic ball is used instead of a hockey puck. Players use plastic T-shaped hockey sticks to hit the ball. The stick is held and operated by the player if their functionality permits this movement. Players with very limited range and movement can tape the stick to their wheelchair.
Players are allocated one of five positions:
Left Winger
Right Winger
They can alternate positions during the game, provided there are five players on court at all times.
The objective is to score a goal by hitting the ball across the opposition’s goal line. The game is won by the team who scores the most goals.
Who can play Electric Wheelchair Hockey
Impairment Type
To be eligible to play electric wheelchair hockey the athlete must use an electric wheelchair for daily mobility. Participants include persons with quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, hand trauma, stroke, spinal cord injury and other disabilities.
Each athlete is classified based on their physical disability. Classification is done through functionality tests designed to assess the athlete’s upper body range movements and their aptitude with the chair.
Is the T-stick or foot stick fastened to the chair?
Hitting a moving ball as hard as possible from the stick side of the wheelchair while driving the wheelchair. Same from the opposite side of the wheelchair.
Pushing the ball with forehand by performing a slalom on high speed around cones. Same with backhand.
Hitting the top of cones while driving the wheelchair between two lanes of cones. Same with hitting the basis of the cones.
From these tests, classifiers group athletes into one of four classes. Each player is given points based on their classification.
There are 4 classes:
Class 1 (1 point)
Fastened T-stick or foot stick
Class 2 (2 points)
Able to use stick on 1 side of the wheelchair only
Unable to lift the stick or able to lift the stick till sitting height (top of the seat/cushion).
Problem on both sides of the wheelchair
Weak back/forehand
No steering limitation
Limitation in using hand stick with driving power and fully maneuvering
Class 3 (3 points)
Able to use stick on 1 side of the wheelchair only
Able to lift the stick above sitting height (top of the seat/cushion)
Problem at one side of the wheelchair
Problem with backhand
No hitting limitation
Limitation in trunk movement
Class 4 (4 points)
Able to use the stick on at least 2 sides of the wheelchair
Able to move the stick from the stick side of the wheelchair to the opposite side of the wheelchair and vice-versa
Able to play from forehand to backhand
No hitting limitation
No complete limitation in trunk
Each team is allowed five players on court with a total of 11 points. Penalties apply for teams that exceed 11 points.
How Do I Get Classified?
All athletes must complete the Classification Consent Form.
Classification in Australia is done through the Australian Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association. Please contact AEWHA directly (their details are available below in ‘Who Runs the Sport?’ to submit form and apply for classification.
Where can you Participate?
Australian Powerchair Hockey Association
E: info.apcha@gmail.com
New South Wales
Australian Powerchair Hockey Association (NSW)
Sporting Wheelies & Disabled Association
P: +61 7 3253 3333
Victorian Electric Wheelchair Sports Association
Western Australia
Western Electric Sports Association
Video Gallery from IWAS Committee Electric Wheelchair Hockey
International Rule Book from International Powerchair Hockey / IWAS
Classifier Procedures from IWAS Committee Electric Wheelchair Hockey
Referee Handbook from IWAS Committee Electric Wheelchair Hockey
Referee Pathway from IWAS Committee Electric Wheelchair Hockey