Have your say on improvements to the Australian Disability Employment Services

© Australian Government - Department of Social Services

© Australian Government - Department of Social Services

The Australian Government is introducing a new model of Disability Employment Services (DES) from 2018, and wants your feedback. 
The discussion paper, New Disability Employment Services from 2018, is part of the Australian Government’s broader consultations with the disability community on the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach to disability employment. 
Disability Employment Services plays an important role in helping Australians with disability break down the barriers to participating in the economy. However the Australian Government is looking to improve DES to help more people stay in employment over the long-term.
The reforms outlined in the discussion paper aim to increase the number of people with disability finding and keeping a job. 
The Australian Government is taking a collaborative approach and actively consulting with the disability community on the reforms. Last year the Australian Government launched the Disability Employment Taskforce to talk with people with disability, disability services providers and employers about supporting more people with disability into employment. The discussion paper brings together that feedback with specific proposals for reforming DES and improving employment outcomes for people with disability.

Click here to provide your feedback on the DES discussion paper at on the Department of Social Services’ Engage platform from 2 November until 16 December 2016.


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